
Chain's Story part 2 WARZONE

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Tentomon4's avatar

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I sleep calmly in my cell. Dreaming of nothing.

“Wake up Chain!” my trainer yells. “We been called to the Board”

I roll on my side and growl, I’ve only been home for an hour and I need to rest after re-grow my arm. I have modified it to grow a long thorny chain with a small grab-claw from the under side of my wrist. I have stared to grow a second one on my other hand.

“Up with you, this is no time to be lazy” my trainer says and pulls me out off my cell.

“You are late NR42” says one of the men hiding in the darkness behind the desk.

“Sorry sir, but we needed to think about safety first” my trainer says and wave at me.

I’m dressed in the same camo-pants as I hade on my mission but also a white straitjacket and a Lector style muzzle. I scratch myself on the head with my naked foot.

“So this is unit CX8” says another one of the men.

“Chain!” I growl.

“What?” the man says.

“My… Name… Is… Chain!” I yell trying and growl inhumanly.

“I see it has the psychotic nature of the rest of the Regeneration project subjects.”

“I hoped that implanting R-cell in to human fetus at cellular stage would stop that, but…” says the fat one of them and sigh.

“We need to learn how to control the R-cell infection for the project to be a success.” Says the one with the shoulder spikes.

“That is no reason to toss away a good warrior” says my trainer.

“Thanks Sir” I say and Smile.

“Okay it gets one more chance to prove itself” says the leader of the men. “But this time we take it away from us”

Later in the Air space over the war zone “God knows”

I look at the bombed wasteland that is about to be my hunting ground.

“So?” I ask the mercenary leader “What’s My Mission?”

He laughs at me and kicks me hard in the back.

I fall out of the dropship, with no weapon or high tech gear.

I smack hard in to a building and lose consciousness.

As a wake up I hear voices and feel wooden spikes tearing through my flesh, I fake death to play it safe.

“Man, Poor kid.” says one of them.

“How the hell did he end up there.” says another.

“He most have fallen of the roof.” says a third.

“Well, he makes great target practice” says a fourth and shoot me with his shotgun.

“Stop that you fucking idiot… Ah!!” the leader of the NATO soldiers screams as I instinctively rip them apart. They panic and open fire on me, but soon they are all dead.

I eat there flesh to heal my own. I wipe the blood of my mouth and look around.

I am alone. It’s dark.

The ash-desert wind blows refreshing in my face.

I check the soldiers stuff for goodies and loot.

I take bandages from the Medics pack and wrap it around my face, hiding my mouth and nose as I did before my first mission. I take the pack and empty it off personal belongings.

I start to fill it with stuff I need. Like knifes and ammo.

I pick up the rifle and the shotgun and check them as I’ve been trained to.

I pull up my hood and are about to leave when I see that the ass that shoot my have a pair of orange ski glasses in his pocket. I pick them up from his ripped off torso and put them on.

Now it’s time to hunt.

Some day’s later…

I hear someone breathing heavy, I smell blood. I’m full so I don’t need to feed but I’m curios.

I look around the rubble of a blown up building and find a gun in my face.

A kid my size is holding the gun, his is stuck in the rubble, wounded and shaking.

*Wait, you’re not a soldier, you are a kid like me* the kid says in his home language.

I blink and turn my head to the side. I don’t get a word he says.

*Um… can you speak?* the kid asks carefully.

I stare at him, not knowing what to do. I not hungry so I don’t fell like killing him.

  *Please help me* the kid says but still I do nothing.

  “Help my” the kid says trying some English instead.

“Okay!” I says glad to finally do something. I drag him out of the rubble.

*Thanks for the help, but what do we do now* the kid says looking around.

I turn my head to the side again, to the kids annoyance.

“You only speak English?” He tries to ask me.

“Yep” I answer and nod.

“I am Hakrim Asmed” the kid says and holds out his hand.

“I am… Chain” I answer and smile under the bandages.

“Chain? It’s a weird name. How did you get it?” Hakrim asks.

“Meh, I just… took it.” I says and look at the setting sun.

*Oh no, I need to be back to the barracks or the captain will hurt me and my family” Hakrim yells as he sees how low the sun is, and starts to run.

I follow him, maybe he will lead me to some nice stuff or allies.

After some walking Hakrim stops and drops on his knees. It looks like his is about to cry.

I look at what he sees, it’s just more rubble after boomed buildings. A flag is still standing.

*No!* Hakrim yells and run to rubble and starts to dig. I watch with mild interest.

I hear someone cough as Hakrim pull her out of the rubble.

*Sis, what happened!* Hakrim asks the wounded girl.

*A new type of air strike, we didn’t stand a chance* she says in the same language I still don’t get a word of.

*But the captain, he mite be harsh and cruel but he would never let us die this easily.*

*The captain… is dead… we found him and his personal troops, it looked like they were eaten by something… something horrible, an inhuman monster.* she says struggling.

Man, my neck itches, I give it a good scratch and ah, that’s better.

*Don’t worry sis, I’ll save you, I’ll save mom to and our friends… sis… sis!* Hakrim yells as his sister draws her last breath. He gives up a loud scream that echo’s over the deserts.

He picks up her body, and walks of, crying, to bury her at the nearby graveyard.

Now all he does is sit at the grave and cries… man this is boring, I’m going to sleep in this hole here. Good thing the tarpaulin I got of that captain guys jeep, works both as a cover and a cloak.

“Wake up!” Hakrim whispers scared. He is in the hole too.

I grow and roll over to the side. Hakrim sighs irritated.

“Enemies are here, now!” Hakrim don’t have to say any more, I jump on my feet and whisper:

“Run the other way, confuse them, split up…” and when I see him run to hide out of the way I dash to circle the enemy and attack from behind.

Two falls silently with knives thrown in their necks. The one driving the APC stops, he must feel that something is wrong. He’s right.

I jump on to of the vehicle and kill the gunner. I toss his dead body of the aside and open fire with the mounted Gatling gun. The rest of the patrolling soldiers are taken by surprise and must of them fall. The soldiers still inside the APC opens the hatch to the gun tower and starts shooting. That was a big misstate as I now just jump in to the vehicle and take them on head-to-head. Minutes later they are all dead but they fought well. Now I am wounded, tiered and hungry. I’m about to start eating when I see that one of them have a device in a necklace connected to his ears. I pick it up, it’s a MP3 player, I put the player around my neck and the headphones on my ears. I press play… (Getting away with murder start to play) Now this I like.

I calmly start to eat the flesh of my fallen enemies, but suddenly my instincts tell me that someone is coming, I quickly flees out the still opened hatch with the loot and some meat.

“Oh my god! The carnages is horrifying! So? How was that?” asks the reporter to her cameraman as he films her.

“It’s a keeper, let’s get out of here before something bad happens” he says.

“Wait? What that, looks like a kid running off, quickly film it!” She yells and he does.

“Chain? You aren’t dead…?” Hakrim asks as I jump down in to our new hide-out in an abandon basement.

“No” I answer and start to eat the rest of the meat chunks, then I notice his hungry steer.

“What?” I ask covering protective over my food.

“Where did you get that?” he asks stepping forward.

“The rocket launcher? Found it on a dead guy” I says and smile, thinking about how I killed him.

“No… I mean the meat… Are you… eating… it raw?!” Hakrim asks chocked.

“So? It’s mine” I growl and back away from him.

“Okay… It’s yours…” Hakrim says backing off scared “But I can cook it for you”

“Cook it?” I ask now curious.

“Yes um… I can… make it… taste better”

“Okay do it!” I say and hands over the meat chunks.

Hakrim quickly makes a fire and start to roast the meat on sticks. It smells good. Mmm.

“Careful… it’s hot.” Hakrim says and gives me a piece. I eat it, meat does taste good this way too.

“It’s good, have some” I say to Hakrim, who cheers up and eats some of it.

“What… kind of meat… is this? It tastes different.” Hakrim ask after eating a piece.

“I don’t know what it’s called” I answer sleepy after the meal.

“Well how did you get it?” Hakrim asks also sleepy.

“I killed it, I am good at killing… it’s all I do…” I say and start to think about this.

“Well… I’ll take first watch…” I hear Hakrim say before I fall asleep, then I feel him curl up next to me. It fells nice and warm.

The next morning I and Hakrim scouts the area for more stuff and loot to use.

“You… find something?” Hakrim asks as I dig through the scrap.

“No” I answer truly and gets up. Then I hear a loud bang and something knocks me down with a hole in my head.

“Chain!” Hakrim yells as he makes for cover.

*Got him sir* says the soldier how shoot me.

*Good work privet, now for you my little friend* there leader says and turns to my hiding friend.

*I hope you remember me, you little spawn of a whore* he says, picks up Hakrim with one hand and rips the gun from him with the other.

*Yes sir* Hakrim answers scared *you are the brother of my ex-captain*

The big masculine man hits Hakrim over the face and yells *Don’t talk about my brother like that, you respect less little bastard!* then he tosses Hakrim head first in to a wall piece.

*Now for you* he says and turn to me *to bad I did not get you alive, but you will pay for it in hell, heretic freak.* He kicks me in the face or try’s to.

As the foot hits my mouth I bite hold of it and pull myself up, dragging the guy down.

He yells out of surprise and pain. His troops rush in to save him but fall for my gun fire.

As I dual-wield the shotgun and machinegun I feel the sniper hit me in the head again.

I drop my guns and pull out the only one of my weapons that’s have the range.

The rocket launcher! I can see the horror on the snipers face as he sees the rocket hits him.

I fell something hard hitting me in the gut and send me flying.

*Die monster! You don’t belong in this world!* the wounded leader yells and charges with a sword and a whip. I see anger and horror in his face as he sees mine.

I grin, connect the biggest knives I got to my wrist-chains and attacks.

Our blades clash hard and fast, over and over again. He is strong, fast and determent.

But I heal. He cuts and cuts but it’s not enough to hurt me. Just excite me.

He makes a hard dash and I jump up on his back and try to strangle him with my tongue.

He yells and cuts it off but that lowers his guard and I go for it.

I split his gut open and he scream and fall. Now the feast begins.

I devour his guts. It tasty and slimy. I eat and eat intill.

“Chain!!” screams Hakrim in horror of the gore.

“Yo Hakrim dude! You want some! It’s fresh and good!” I say with my mouth full.

“You… You…” Hakrim stutter in chock.

“What?” I ask after swallowing a big piece off his leg… I think.

“YOU!” Hakrim yells.


“You monster!” Hakrim grow and start shooting at me but miss and empty the clip.

“Man you suck.” I say and take a new bite.

“You’re the one who killed the captain!” Hakrim cry and try to reload.

“And eated him, so I killed a lot of people, it’s what I do, you know this, I told you.”

“But… but… My sister, you are responsible for her dead too.” Hakrim cries.

“Now that was the air strike. Not me, stupid, and you’re doing it wrong, here let me!” I say and use my chain to pull the gun out of his hand and reload it.

Hakrim stare at me for a second then runs away scream in that language of his.

“Hey! Wait up dude.” I yell and run after him. He yells and runs faster.

But in his panic, Hakrim runs straight in to a minefield, and I follow since I can’t read the big fat warning signs. I really need to learn how to read.

The explosion rips us both to shreds. The biggest part of my head lands next to Hakrims torso.

“I’m sorry my friend…” I say sadly.

Hakrim open his mouth and with his last breath laugh a joyless laughter.

I can fell how there strings of r-cells slowly draw my parts together but there aren’t enough of them to heal me. I need more. I need to eat flash so it can be turned.

“I’m really sorry…” I say and start to eat the only meat around.

Later back at the graveyard where my friend buried his sister.

I find her grave and start to dig with my bare hands.

When the hole is big enough I put the naked bones of my friend Hakrim next to his sister.

“Good bye my first real friend…” I say sadly but I can’t cry. Damn you lack of tear canals.

After I have filled the hole again I just sit there, what do I do now?

“Congratulations kid! You just join the army of…” A man says and grabs me. I stab him in the throat and cut upwards, splitting his head in half. I’m not in the mood for this.

I hear the screams of his recruits as they flee in terror of my unmasked face.

I sigh… lay on my back and look at the clouds for a long time.

A familiar scent catches my attention, I get up and look around, where is the smell coming from? I start to search for it. And I find a track to follow.

I run for miles, looking, searching and finally I see a camp.

It’s down a ravine and full of people, people I don’t know and people I’ve met before.

I smile, now I remember that smell.

It’s the mercenaries that brought me here. And they still have my stuff.

And that are allies so I can just walk right in and get it back.

“And then I kick him out off the dropship and he got smack in to a building.” One of them says and they all laugh. Me to. They all stare at me and I wave back at them.

They all get very pale and the one that was talking runs in to a tent.

“WHAT!” someone yells in there and there is a lot of noise.

There leader runs of the tent, looks at me and runs back in.

“Sir, we have a problem!” the leader says over a comlink, but I only hear my MP3player.

“What is it Commander? I thouth that the operation was as planed?” A familiar voice says.

“It is sir, but the creature! CX8! It’s alive!”

“What!”  The leader of the men says. “How is that even… Well, the R-cell have a high survival rate but we did not think it could survey a war zone like this one…”

“What’s your order?” The Commander asks nervously.

“Don’t worry, we got a backup plan if it still think we are allies”

Later after I found my stuff and ball kicks that guy from the dropship.

“Chain” says the Commander too gladly.

I nod my head in sync with the music, man this stuff rock.

“Chain!” the mercenary’s Commander yells irritated and removes my ear piece.

“Yes sir?” I ask and try’s to salute.

“We have a mission for you. Search and destroy these men, they are the last leaders of the religious terrorist group that started this war.” The Commander says and gives me pictures of the captain, his brother and that guy from the graveyard.

“Oh I already killed those guys” I says and put the ear piece back.

“Bullshit!” The Commander yells as a jeep with large black bags pulls up next to him. I smell old food. The driver jumps out and yells:
“It’s over, the targets are dead! We found ‘em, they have been eaten by something!”

“Holy Fuck” the Commander yells as he checks the bags. Than he goes back into this his tent. I start to hum with the music. “Million faces… born out of places…”

“Sir I got bad news and good news” the Commander says over the comlink.

“What is it now Commander…” The leader says irritated.

“We have located the last targets and found that CX8 had already killed them”

“What!” the leader yells.

“So…what do we do now? Sir…?” the Commander asks carefully.

“Kill it! Burn it! All of you should be able to take it down!” the leader screams.

“I don’t think so…” a new mysterious voice says over the comlink.

“What?!” says both the leader and the commander.

“It is not your responsibility any more, Lap Director. I’m taking over.” The voice says.

“Who do you think you are to order me…!” the leader says angry.

“I’m Administrator Ericson and what you don’t want I take” the voice says.

“But it is a monster! You can’t…”

“A monster is just what I need! I already send a dropship for him.” The voice says and hangs up.

“What do we do now sir…?” the Commander ask.

“Leave the monster, if this Ericson wants it he can have it!” the leader says and ends transmission.

I have fallen a sleep in the dirt again. I wake up by the sound of a dropship.

I look around. I’m the only one here. But I still got my stuff. Yes!

“Chain?” a voice says over the dropships speaker.

“Yes?” I ask. Than the dropship lands next to me and the door opens.

There stands my trainer and a man I never met.

“I have a proposition for you Chain.” The man says.

“And that is?” I ask carefully, knowing that my trainer may be a hostage.

“Have you ever heard of the E.C.S.A, Chain?”  the man asks.

“My trainer said something about that, yes” I answer.

“How would you like to join the Evil Corp Special Agents?”

I remember what my trainer said about them. How they are over-powered mass-murders. I smile. This will be fun.

“I’ll join!” I say and jump in to dropship.

“Excellent! We drop off NR42 first that take us to base D20.” The man says and the dropship starts to move. I look over at my trainer. I’m happy to see him again.

“Well…” he says. “I guess this is good bye Chain…”


“I will be to busy working in the Stealther project. But I will try to keep in touch”

“Okay” I say as the dropship stops and the door opens. NR42 pets me on the head and jumps out. I see the leader greets him and steer angry at the man and me as the door close.

“What now?” I ask as the dropship takes off again.

“Well…” The man says “I guess I have to introduce my self. I am Arthur Ericson, Administrator of Evil Corp. You can call me Boss or Ericson.”

“Okay Boss!” I say gladly. “What’s my first mission?”

“You need to get some rest first and get to know the rest of my and your team.”

“Okay, okay! But my mission!” I whine.

“Fine… We have found the young of one of  our ex-agent Torch raiding demons in Tokyo. Your mission is to test her power. Oh… her name is Sakura Yamiryu.” Ericson says as the dropship flies in to the dawn. I smile, I can’t wait to fight that dragon girl.

Part 1: [link]
Part 3: [link]

All stuff R to Me!

Cover [link]

Check the gallery for more art of Chain, Sakura and more!

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shaunbu13's avatar
tl;dr pic is good